Related Developments and Links

Email to Math Professors which references article, Rational or Not? This Basic Math Question Took Decades to Answer. The article cites developments regarding the “ancient question” of deciding whether a number is rational or irrational. Email gives a key Theorem/Conjecture, assuming which as true leads to new theorems that help answer the “ancient question” (Jan 2025).

YouTube Video based on Chapters 14 and 15 of the “Toppling Relativity … Evaders of Truth” book; these latter book chapters expand to certain wider matters of great importance to society where truth is also being evaded. The video is titled “Saving India (& Others) from US Single-Parent Devastation.” YouTube Link (Dec 2024). article: Galileo’s Struggles Illustrate the Reality that Scientific Dogma Can Be Stronger Than Religious Dogma. The Physics Establishment was More Dogmatic than the Church Establishment. Also Notable: “Expanding Beyond Europe to Examine the Claims of Inherent Conflict & Scientific Revolution” (Sep 2024).

Letter to Physicists Involved with Supernovae Measurements Regarding Their  Conclusion that Time Itself Dilates. The Most Common Clock in Use Today will Topple the Special Relativity Claim that Time Itself Dilates, and Such Clock Result Would be Perfectly Consistent with Both Postulates of Relativity (Aug 2024). 
See Reply to the Letter From One of the Authors of Paper (Sep 2024). (Congratulations to the replying professor for reaching the correct philosophy of time, which is a refreshing change from the writings on time by Rovelli, Smolin, Greene and others that veer away from both logic and needed experimental testing). article: Scientific Method Then (Einstein) vs Now (Greene & Others): Conclusions Regarding Principle of Relativity. Albert Einstein — rigorous logic and correct conclusions. Brian Greene & others — lack of rigor to reach a wishful but incorrect conclusion that is being taught as correct (Aug 2024).

Letter to Certain Physicists: Discrete Motion Joins With Actual Infinity To Give the Missing Explanation for the Constancy of the Speed of Light & Also Give a Path To Solving the Problem of Time in Quantum Gravity. Compare with Other Attempts to use Discrete, such as the widely followed Loop Quantum Gravity (Smolin Version) Where Discrete Spoils the Constancy of the Speed of Light (May 2024).

Letter To Certain Mathematicians: Physics Departments are teaching a Wrong Derivation. Infinity x Zero = c brings Cantor’s Actual Infinity into Physics and Topples Einstein’s Special Relativity Derivation. Physics authorities of today are still Aristotelians when it comes to being against such existence of actual physical infinity (May 2024).

Letter to Indian Physics Departments regarding Infinity-Zero of Indian knowledge systems leading to Alternative Equations consistent with both postulates, thus Toppling Einstein’s Special Relativity Derivation. Departments are teaching students a wrong derivation, violating both logic and ethics (Mar 2024).

Letter to Elon Musk (sent through SpaceX personnel) regarding On-Board Clocks Special Relativity Space Travel and Time Test. Such High Speed Test Could Topple (or confirm) Time Foundations (Nov 2023).

Letter to Perimeter Quantum Gravity Conference Attendees Regarding Evasion of Special Relativity Time Dilation Theoretical and Experimental Problems. Evasion of Logic Will Result in Eventual Invalidation of the Life Work of Scientists Whose Success Rests of Such Evasion (Oct 2023).


Letter to Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation which organizes and funds seminars and other events. This is regarding Time and Clocks Seminar that took place 27 Feb – 03 Mar 2023. Physics authorities and the media are two powerful pro-Einstein groups that are not presenting objective truth regarding time and special relativity but, in fact, are selectively evading truth (July 2023).

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